They say that animals are just like their masters. Oh that is soooo true! I have noticed it so many times! Right now laying on the bad with 3 dogs. Or it would be more right to say that 3 dogs are laying on my bad=) So butiful, big , pretty and kind. Very much alike Valeries. I love this house, love this people, love these dogs...wanted to write somuch but i can not write because somebody really wants me to hug her=) and type with one hand is really hard=)
Inspired by bookmans store (, I want to open a similar book store in Russia. Now I am wondering if we already have something like that. So it is a store where you bring your used or new whatever books, or just some old stuff like CDs, notebooks etc. You can get a store credit or cash (store credit is twice more than cash to convince people buy things in the store). I already decided about the name=)
And also inside of it there is going to be nice coffe/tea shop (like starbucks or even better - more natural). Concerts on weekend, clubs etc.... Seriously those stores like Bookmens are so great. There are millions of good books for low price. For example I literally got a book for free by bringing some of my stuff and getting store credit. I got a book, a little damaged, but (huge, with pictures) that is worth $40 for $8! Also it is great recycling. How to begin though? Gotta work on it.
Сложно писать про замечательно-оптимистичный день после фильма к-19. Харрисон Форд в главных ролях. Не могу поверить что американцы сняли этот фильм. Интересно это все правда или голливудская интерпритация? Вообще я плачу. Ведь лодка-то даже в военные действия еще не вступила....хотя кто знает...может это событие все будущие действия-то и предотвратило. К тому же так за страну обидно. Никакая я нахрен не патриотка, тем более не патриотка советской власти....но так замечательно обосрали, да ещё так правдиво что вдвойне обидно. Не, молодцы.
Хочу судить адекватно. Нихера ни историю, ни географию не знаю. Учиться.
Опять читаю Джека Лондона. У него все про борьбу да про борьбу. Поборись блин против радиационного отравления.
Flagstaff конечно классный городишко. Совершенно студенческий, чистенький, уютный. Много интересного народу и хороших магазинчиков. Всего лишь 2 с половиной часа езды от моей дыры. И как меня туда занесло когда такой рай совсем недалеко? ладно ни о чем не жалеем!)
надо найти картинку оттуда в коллекцию крутых аватаров. Я наверно приеду и буду совсем wierdo ну и ладно
Кстати без мяса жить не так уж и сложно. Правдо сегодня чуть не стошнило от соевой котлеты. Вкус наудивление мясной-слишком мясной. Буду жить на варении, помидорах и бананах и конечно же милке с изюмом и орехами
School is out. Yard sale is done - 50 $ back to me! I will never ever come bфck to this school again...and I will not ever see most of these people...may be any of them. The thought became so usual that I do not care. Parallel'no. Udivitel'no chto parallel'no. Hotya chego udivitel'no -lyudi i k bombezhkam i k pulyam privikayut. Good buy America, ooooooooo net rano eshe pet'. 3 nedeli eshe vperedi
Today, one of Marguerite's friends wrote her in a letter a paragraph about me...we have been talking with him about history, literature etc the day before. So that is what he said: 'It is was so nice to talk to Jenya and see how her mind is open and how good is her education. (the next phrase just killed me) Aalthough being in army was wasting of my time, it is nice America actually got some results in the fight against communism and etc etc etc and i am a result to looks at...
Male chicks are considered to be trash: They are tossed in the garbage or are thrown—while still alive—into high-speed grinders soon after birth because they aren't considered profitable.
Male chicks are just some of the many casualties of the factory-farming industry. We can help stop horrors like this by giving vegetarianism a try. Since next week (May 19-25) is World Vegetarian Week.
Moya preeeeslest'... Don't worry baby, don't be afraid, I will have you in 6-8 woking days! =) Sweet. Dreams do come true. Sometimes. Something that seemed totally imposible becomes so easy and close to you all of a sudden..
I am tired of having ideas and not having them realized. I promise, promise to myself that I will go with this one till the very end. This IS my thing and I will do it. PROMISE. And not a word to anybody untill I at least start.
BUT. I watched a really nice movie called 'I know im not alone' about Iraq, Palestine and Israel. I realized that I was sleeping. Very deeply. Oh my... and this guy is doing just what I have been wanting to do for a long time. He is great. What he is doing is great. The movie is great. I can not belive that I can spend 40 dollars for shoes when people are working for 2 dollars a month!! And suffer...and I am sitting here enjoying mysef, drinking chocolate milk and worrying that I gained weight in US. Damn it! Fuck the war!
I ditched school. Again. Second time. And Marguerite does not know anything about that. Is that me? WOW! Today she all of a sudden came home earlier ann I told her that I ditched only last lesson because there was no teacher. ha-ha=) I became a bad girl! =)