UUUUU hooolodno!!! Ya tak privikla k teplu, chto kogda priyehala syuda uzaaaasno zamerzla!! Tetka moya normal'naya, ona mne ne och nravitsya, tk postoyanno na vseh nagovarivayet...vot oni takiye syakiye i td, a potom, kogda ya ih vstrechayu nichego podobnogo, sovershenno normal'niye lyudi. Nu nichego, esli eto budet edinstvennii minus, perezivem)
It was snowing this night! WOW!! I missed snow! But the only shoes I have are my short blue tennis shoes, so my ankles freezed! Hope we'll go shopping today because I don't have warm clothes at all!
I really like this place...big trees, mountains, farms, big houses that stand on hills. Peace and calm. But this is not place where I'm gonna live. Margarit (my host mum) Says that where we'll live there is almost no civilization at all. brrr.No internet at home, only at school..Cowboys, fields, farms, forest, indians ah, I already wanna go there!
It was the best Thanksgiving I've ever had Me, Margarit and her sisters family had thanksgiving dinner and then went down to the river and hot springs, walked there, played sime games. It was so nice!!
Margarit's sisters husband looks after an old man. He is his far relative an was renting Margarit's house. Last week he had heart atack and at the same time something else, also he is deth(?) (gluhoi). And now he almost can not move, does not understand what is happening to him. Poor guy....When I face such things, I understand how miserable my problems are and that they can not be called promblems at all. An that guy was looking after him so good, he was so worried about him, although he almost does not relate to him....