Inspired by bookmans store (, I want to open a similar book store in Russia. Now I am wondering if we already have something like that.
So it is a store where you bring your used or new whatever books, or just some old stuff like CDs, notebooks etc. You can get a store credit or cash (store credit is twice more than cash to convince people buy things in the store). I already decided about the name=)

buy a book

купи книгу

And also inside of it there is going to be nice coffe/tea shop (like starbucks or even better - more natural). Concerts on weekend, clubs etc....
Seriously those stores like Bookmens are so great. There are millions of good books for low price. For example I literally got a book for free by bringing some of my stuff and getting store credit. I got a book, a little damaged, but (huge, with pictures) that is worth $40 for $8! Also it is great recycling. How to begin though? Gotta work on it.