Best things of life are FREE
Work is love made visible
-Kahlil Gibran

This is my simple religion. No need for temple, no need for comlicated philosophy.
Your own mind,
Your own heart
Is the temple
-(dont know who)

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your children, smile at each other - it does not matter who it is. That is what I love about US.

25.05.2008 в 10:40

а не создаётся впечатления, что тебе будут улыбаться даже те, кто тебя ненавидит? что эт всё наигранно?..
25.05.2008 в 23:47

Best things of life are FREE
Bivayet i takoye. No ponimayesh' poka cheloveka ne uznayesh' ne ulibat'sya tozhe nepravil'no. To est' posmotri na eto s drugoi storoni. So in Russia people do not smile to you (i am considering most of the strangers) because thay assume that you are not worth their smile. 'Why would I smile if I do not know this person, why would i naigrivat' eto. Here they smile to you thinking that this person has not done anything bad to me, why would I not smile. assuming that that they are not going to be rude until they know that you earned their rudeness. Of course not the same for everybody. In either places

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